• Last modified 2282 days ago (Nov. 19, 2018)


november 24, 1993

This week, the Marion County Record begins a new series of feature stories about people who “made a difference” in our community. The initial article is about former Marion mayor Ira Newcomer, who now enjoys his retirement years as a resident of the Elgin Apartments in downtown Marion. A weekday highlight for him is “fellowship with the boys.” They enjoy a coffee break each morning at their special table in Marion Pharmacy. Pictured are Newcomer, Gail Merrill, Al Ollenberger, Roger Morse, and Dean Batt.

The Halstead fine arts and crafts council has announced that Lyndon Hett of Marion will show wheat sculptures at their festival Dec. 4.

The Christmas decorations committee of Marion Chamber of Commerce will sponsor a holiday lighting contest again this year. Prizes will be offered to the best-decorated homes. First prize is $50, second is $35, and third place will receive $20.

Marion High School freshman/sophomore Scholars’ Bowl team placed third out of 30 Class 1A-4A schools Thursday in a tournament. Team members were Catherine Blount, Chris Bowers, Ethan Good, Suzanne Blount, and Courtney Goering.

Last modified Nov. 19, 2018