25 years ago
april 10, 1996
Proposals should be mailed out this week for bids to make extensive improvements to Marion County Courthouse, county commissioners heard Monday during the regular weekly meeting.
The latest, albeit temporary, tourist attraction in Burns is a huge donut constructed as part of the movie set for “Mars Attacks!” For security purposes, Warner Brothers Film Company is discouraging visitors at the site. It is clearly visible from US-77.
The ranch home of John Siebert, located on the X-Diamond Ranch, 2½ miles north of Florence, was destroyed by fire April 3. Included in the loss was Siebert’s 1994 Corvette sports car with only 15,000 miles on the odometer.
A brother-sister duo, Glenn Litke and Brenda Jordan, along with her children, Jennifer, Jonathan, and Jeremy — all of rural Marion — will bring a program of sacred, classical, and gospel music to Marion Presbyterian Church at 7:30 p.m. Sunday.
The program will celebrate the church’s 125th birthday and emphasize the importance of music in the history of the congregation.
Attorney General Carla Stovall has been named honorary chairman of the 1996 Law Enforcement Torch Run to benefit the Kansas Special Olympics. The first woman ever elected Kansas Attorney General, Stovall is the daughter of Carl and Juanita Stovall of Marion.
Justene Raleigh of Marion was the grand prize winner for the Marion Chamber of Commerce Egg-Stra Special Give-Away. She received $115 in gift certificates good at any chamber member business. More than 20 stores participated in the promotion.
Prizes in the Florence Women’s Christian Temperance Union annual essay contest were awarded to Havi Wilcox, first prize; Sarah Fowler, second; and Matt Schuler, third. Judges for the contest were Nellie Batt, Lenora Grahan, and Paulette Zook.
Last modified April 7, 2021