• Last modified 1162 days ago (Jan. 6, 2022)


january 8, 1997

Four Marion County officials were guests Monday at a reception in their honor. County attorney Ed Wheeler, Sheriff Edward Davies, Clerk Marquetta Eilerts, and Commissioner Charles DeForest all complete terms this month. Commission chairman Linda Peterson recognized the four for their years of service and dedication to the county.

Though it came as a complete surprise to him, the 160 members of Kansas Hereford Association gathered for their annual convention at Salina, were in total agreement Dec. 14 when Rex Siebert of Marion was recognized as “Hereford Breeder of the Year.”

An article by staff writer Rowena Plett tells how Wendell Wedel of Durham has been making country sausage for years. Since October of 1995, when Wedel opened for business at the Main Street Café in Durham, his sausage, stuffed or in patties, has been available to customers every day of the work week.

Sacramento, California, physician Fred King is from Marion, Kansas, and proud of it. He says he also is pleased to be among those selected for the “Marionites who made good” series running in the hometown newspaper, the Marion County Record.

Cassidy Ann is pictured as she relaxes in the arms of her mother, Jessica Pawloski of Hillsboro. Cassidy was the first 1997 baby born at St. Luke Hospital, arriving at 6:50 a.m. Jan. 2. She will receive gifts from several area merchants as the New Year’s baby.

Marion Wellness, Inc. opened its doors Jan. 1 in a new location in downtown Marion. Formerly located in the basement of St. Luke Medical Clinic, the exercise center has moved to 110 W. Main St. Started in 1983 by Don Hodson, M.D. and Jeff Martin, M.D., today it is run by a board consisting of Hodson, Judy Versch, and Phoebe Janzen.

Last modified Jan. 6, 2022