• Last modified 987 days ago (May 26, 2022)


june 10, 1992

The wheat harvest is expected to begin sometime this weekend, according to reports from area grain elevators. Dave Lancaster of Cooperative Grain and Supply at Marion said farmers seem optimistic about this year’s crop.

Gene McFall, artist-in- residence at the Will Rogers Memorial in Claremore, Oklahoma, will present his one-man retrospective, “The Witty World of Will Rogers,” during the kickoff of Summerfest ’92 Friday evening at Central Park stage. Tickets will be $2 per person at the gate.

The Owl Car Café in downtown Marion, one of the community’s oldest businesses, re-opened for business Monday under new ownership and management. David Waner and his wife, Tena, purchased the restaurant May 15 and have been workings since that date to prepare for the family-style café’s re-opening.

Walt Ireland of Florence has received a service award from the National Weather Service as official weather observer for 30 years. He records high and low temperatures as well as precipitation.

Triple-H Construction was busy this week at Marion Presbyterian Church, removing dirt and preparing to pour a new sidewalk that will make it easier for motorists to get out of parked cars.

A reunion was held Sunday at Marion Senior Center of former students of Rural School Districts 9, 56, and 54. Thirty-seven former pupils, sponsors, and friends were in attendance.

Last modified May 26, 2022