• Last modified 974 days ago (July 14, 2022)


july 29, 1992

Marion board of education members, meeting in special session Thursday night, voted to begin the process of giving Bown-Corby School to the city of Marion, which in turn would lease it to Butler Community College for a Marion campus.

Starfire Dance Company performers won first in their division at a national convention in Dallas. Area girls who are members of the group include Tina Ybarra, Meggan Silhan, Jenny Loveless, Jenaea Ireland, Mindy Strome, and Mandy Hanson. Kari Kohls-Bruch is director and choreographer of Starfire and instructor-owner of Kari’s Dance Academy, Emporia.

A public dance Aug. 8 will benefit the Marion-based county ambulance service. Proceeds from the dance will be used to purchase new jackets for the emergency medical technicians to wear and additional needed equipment.

Steve Jost of Jost Construction is pictured as he inspects Marion Historical Museum’s belfry after city employees lifted him in the bucket truck around noon Friday. The museum’s southeast face lost half of its 110-year-old decorative arch after lightning struck it July 15 or 16, causing an estimated $2,000 in damage.

Marion High School students attending the state FFA leadership conference July 20 to at Rock Springs Ranch were Matt Kukuk, Justin Groening, and Jared Herzet, D.J. Ehlers, Matt Lohr, Kris Groening, Sherry Lange, and Eileen Hett.

Last modified July 14, 2022