• Last modified 915 days ago (Aug. 17, 2022)


SEPT. 2, 1992

Three unrelated events will make Central Park in Marion a busy place Saturday. Marion Chamber of Commerce’s annual Art in the Park will starts at 9 a.m. At 5 p.m., in another section of the park, U.S. Rep. Pat Roberts will meet with the public. From 6 to 8 p.m., a hog roast meal will be served. At 8 p.m, the steel percussion orchestra Pandora’s Box will perform on Central Park stage.

Reports in this week’s newspaper of wedding anniversaries being celebrated include those of John and Irma Reznicek of Lost Springs, 50th; Reuben and Lucille Kerbs of Tampa, 40th; Alfred and Darlene Sondergard of Ramona, 50th; and Harry and Imogene Cheever, also of Ramona, 50th.

“Beary Special Babies’” born during the month of August at St. Luke Hospital include Bridgette Victoria Lundy, born Aug. 3; Levi Allan Yoho, Aug. 7; Katie Lyn Remy and Sam J. Spence, Aug. 18; Sarah Anne Boyer, Aug. 20; Shelby Lynn Harris, Aug. 21; Shayna Lenay Britton, Aug. 22; and Tyler Jacob Klenda, Aug. 23.

The 1992 MHS cheerleader squad is made up of Shannon Tajchman, Jenny Groening, Amanda May, Angela Markley, Amy Christensen, captain Tammy Johnson, and Renee Goodin. Cheerleader sponsor is Becky Summerville.

A field of blooming sunflowers near Aulne is a cheerful break in the landscape. Abundant moisture this summer has given Marion County a green carpet of growing plants.

Last modified Aug. 17, 2022