• Last modified 655 days ago (April 27, 2023)


May 5, 1993

Buses will be a common sight Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday in Marion. Village Charters of Wichita is sponsoring a series of “Mystery Tours,” with four buses carrying 40 passengers each to our town for a day of touring.

Passengers will visit the museum, Willie’s Woolies, and the Copper Shed and have lunch at Kingfisher’s Inn, followed by a tour of the city, including historical buildings and vintage homes. MHS students will dress and act as characters from Marion’s past.

Eileen Sieger, Marion, has been elected president of Flint Hills Girl Scout Council for the 1993-’94 year. The council serves seven counties.

Donahue Corp., Durham, is supplying a stock trailer for the wagon train that will follow the Oregon Trail from Independence, Missouri, to Oregon, a trek of approximately 2,000 miles. The train has been arranged to recognize the 150th anniversary of the trail’s first organized use.

Beary Special Babies born during April at St. Luke Hospital are Benjamin Lee Stryker, April 1; Kyle Lee Tucker, April 20; and Anthony Paul Taylor, April 26.

Eighty-eight Marion High School students and their guests attended the Warrior Booster-sponsored, community-supported after-prom party Sunday at St. Mark’s Activity Center. Karen Regnier won a “Great Escape” weekend, given away as a fund-raising event by Warrior Boosters.

Last modified April 27, 2023