• Last modified 295 days ago (April 18, 2024)


april 27, 1994

The city of Marion is seeking bids for a 50-by-125-foot building to be constructed next to the city shop on Walnut St.

Pictured on the front page are Blair and Nancy Tharp; their children, David and Becky; Chuck and Bud McLinden; and Belinda Skiles as they ride horseback a total of 15 miles, herding more than 50 head of Longhorns from the Tharp Ranch near Aulne to summer pasture five miles east of US-77. The cattle are owned by Dalene Tharp of Horseshoe Ranch.

Ruth Poppe of Lincolnville is the subject of this week’s “They Made a Difference” series. Poppe is pictured surrounded by quilts she has made over the years, especially since her retirement as a teacher for Centre Elementary School.

Norma Woerz won high honors Monday during a Marathon Bridge Bash at September Apartments. Five tables were set for the evening. First prize was said to be a downstream cruise on the Cottonwood River from Marion. It included ports of call at Oursler, Florence, Cedar Point, Cottonwood Falls, and Saffordville.

Renee Goodin is student of the month at Marion High School. A senior, she plans to attend Kansas State University. Her parents are John and Kathy Gooding of Marion.

Last modified April 18, 2024