• Last modified 1335 days ago (Jan. 13, 2021)


january 14, 1981

Marion County elective officers were sworn in Monday, all except Treasurer Kathryn Schimpf who will succeed herself in October.

Those sworn in were County Clerk Marquetta Eilerts, Register of Deeds Dorothy Lawrence, County Attorney Doug Westerhaus, Sheriff June Jost, and County Commissioners Earl Mueller and Charles DeForest.

Marion City Commission is getting information about financing a pipeline from Marion Lake to furnish water for the community. A 12-inch pipeline could bring water from the federal reservoir to the water plant. It would flow by gravity and could follow the Santa Fe tracks.

Inventing their own recipes in a food exploration class, Jeff Christensen, Nathan Smith, Gena Helmer, and Tammy Sandwell are pictured as they clean up after serving their prize-winning dishes.

Tammy won first with her “Crunch Delight” pie, and received an insulated thermos. Christensen came in second, Smith, third, and Helmer, fourth. The two boys are the only male members of the class.

Special feature writer Ruth Meyer’s Personality Profile this week features Bob and Kathy Sprowls, new owners of Kingfisher’s Inn. Living in a little town, after being reared in Wichita, seems a new way of life to Kathy and Bob and as a place to rear their sons, Chris and Brett, Marion seems ideal.

New Life Singers from Aulne United Methodist Church will present a program at 7:30 p.m. Sunday at Spring Valley Mennonite Church near Canton.

Jan Nuss, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leland Nuss, Marion, will represent Kansas in the National Shorthorn Lassie queen contest this weekend in Denver. She is among 16 girls chosen across the nation to compete in the event.

Last modified Jan. 13, 2021