• Last modified 1355 days ago (May 26, 2021)


may 27, 1981

Campers lined the shores of Marion County Lake Sunday in the middle of the three-day Memorial Day weekend. Total attendance was down at both the county lake and the federal reservoir this Memorial Day, but campers were thick at the Cottonwood Point area. Those who did come had the weather on their side for it was a beautiful holiday weekend.

Jeff Martin, M.D., a family practition resident at St. Joseph’s Medical Center in Wichita, has accepted an invitation to locate his office in the new hospital clinic nearing completion here. Ron Cork, St. Luke administrator, says he expects Martin to relocate by the end of the summer.

A sign stretching down the hallway at Marion High School Thursday proclaimed it was “Ella Winter Day.” Winter is retiring after 25 years of service in the lunchroom of the school’s cafeteria. Faculty members planned the surprise party, serving cake, tea, and other refreshments. They also presented her with a corsage and a necklace.

Florence representatives to Boys State and Girls State are Stan Williams and Alice Hockensmith. The MHS juniors were selected on the basis of citizenship and academic achievement.

Lane Broadstreet, director of music at West Elk High School, Howard, will travel to Europe this summer as an adviser of eight of his students who are participating in a three-week tour of Europe as part of “Voyeugers International Band and Choir.

Fifty-two eighth graders were awarded graduation certificates Thursday at Florence Middle School. Students chosen as outstanding citizens were announced. Melissa Krispense was given the girl’s citizenship award. The boy’s award went to Chris Webb.

Last modified May 26, 2021