40 years ago
july 8, 1981
The annual businessmen’s picnic sponsored by Marion County 4-H youth will be Tuesday in Central Park, Marion. All business people in the county are invited regardless of their participation in the 4-H program.
Continental Trailways has applied to the KCC to discontinue the route which comes through Marion on its way from Wichita to Lincoln, Nebraska. A decision has not been announced as yet.
Among the activities offered at Lincolnville during Independence Day festivities was a dunk pond in the city park for youngsters. Kim Buethe is pictured as she gets dunked, compliments of her father Don Buethe.
Members of the Marion High School Class of 1961 paid a visit back to their alma mater Saturday. In all, 27 former Warriors showed up for the morning tour. The group held a special diner later that evening.
Feebie Smith, operator of Marion Shelter Insurance, received a “First Dollar of Profit” certificate Wednesday from Chamber of Commerce representatives Donna Fruechting and Gerald Harp.
Robert Craft, Clay Center, has been named to the Marion County district of the Kansas Highway Patrol. Craft, in recruitment training at Salina, is expected to begin duty in Marion County on August 3. He replaces Sgt. John Stultz, who has been transferred to Chanute.
In celebration of the third anniversary of Marion’s cablevision, basic installation, regular $20, will be $10; one month of basic cable, regularly $9.50, will be free; and an additional outlet installation will be $5 instead of $10.
Mrs. Max Loveless is pictured as she holds a three-pound zucchini squash from her son John’s garden at Antelope. She reports a bumper crop of red onions, beans, beets, potatoes, zucchini, broccoli, and brussel sprouts.
Last modified July 7, 2021