• Last modified 708 days ago (April 5, 2023)


april 12, 1978

Marion City Commissioners decided Monday to give people in the community the opportunity to sign up cable TV at a savings of $20 if they do so within the next month.

Sponsored by Marion Kiwanis Club, Carson and Barnes Circus, America’s largest wild animal circus, will come to Marion on May 10. Afternoon and evening performances will be at Marion Airport.

Announcement was made this week that Marion National Bank will construct a new building at 3rd and Main Sts. The new building will be larger than the present structure, taking in the area now occupied by the present Marion National Bank and also the next building east, now occupied by Waner Crafts.

Velma Hagans is subject of this week’s “Personality Profile” by Marion County Record writer Ruth Meyer.

Third grade pupils in Steve Hart’s class treated their parents and preschool brothers and sisters to plays and poems Friday afternoon at Marion Elementary School. Third graders taking part in the afternoon performance were Andy Cogdill, Michelle Foth, Dale Heidebrecht, Jeff Jackson, Tim Kramer, Terry Looney, David Meisinger, Mark Raleigh, Michael Schill, Cerece Smith, Jill Thole, Joan Vinduska, Mike Wheeler, and Doug Williams.

Last modified April 5, 2023