45 years ago
july 19, 1978
The clowns are coming! And that’s not all. Everything from arts and crafts to a kissing game will be featured Saturday at July Jamboree, a promotional event sponsored by Marion Chamber of Commerce. Theme of the jamboree is “a day of carnival atmosphere.”
Les Byer, Marion High School art instructor, is having a one-man graduate show of ceramics July 24 throughout. 4 on the top floor of the University Art Gallery in Emporia,
Plates were stacked high with food Friday night at the annual 4-H Businessman’s Appreciation Day picnic. More than 200 people attended the annual affair.
Herb Wullschleger and Dorothy Varenhorst presented three new local businesses with their “First Dollar of Profit” plaques Friday afternoon. First stop was at The Small Fry, second at The County Seat, and third at the home of Richard Harrington, owner of Harrington Photography.
Harold Ensley, “the Sportsman’s Friend” will be at Marion Motor Center from 2 to 5 p.m. Saturday for celebration of the businesses’ 14 years in Marion.
Bernie Waner won a championship trophy after a playoff with Leo Blackman in a countywide golf tournament Sunday at Hillsboro. Other flight winners were Steve Moore, first flight; Jim Schroeder, second flight; Bob Sextro, third; and Norman Galle, fourth.
Last modified July 12, 2023