• Last modified 1390 days ago (April 22, 2021)


april 28, 1966

Farmers Co-op Association of Marion, Farmers Co-op and Mercantile of Lehigh, and Farmers Equity Union and Farmers Cooperative Supply of Hillsboro will complete their merger this week and start combined operation as of May 1.

Norman Bowers, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bowers of Marion, has received an appointment to the United States Coast Guard Academy at New London, Connecticut. He will report for duty at New London on June 27.

Three Marion County Home Demonstration units will receive special recognition at the District Kansas Extension Homemaker Week meeting in Cottonwood Falls for having achieved the Gold Seal for 15 years. To be honored are the Youngtown, Bixler Sunshine, and Live and Learn units.

Paula Fisher, Peabody 8th grader, is pictured as she receives her county champion “Spelling Bee” trophy from Dave Hanson representing the Marion Chamber of Commerce.

Girl Scout Troop 60 visited the RECORD office Friday evening after school. The visiting girls and their leaders were Cathy Newlin, Carol Steinel, Martha Beaston, Diana Roberts, Shirley Hamm, Kathy Regnier, Lisa Holmes, Debra Heidel, Claire Fruechting, Kathy Kelsey, Diana Case, Gayle Hannaford, Lola Seibel, Mrs. Jack Beaston, and Mrs. Alex Case Jr.

The world famous Malina Accordian Orchestra will be playing for a dance at the Starlite Ballroom in Pilsen Saturday night.

The Marion chapter of Future Farmers of America rated among the top ten high teams in two divisions of the state agricultural judging and farm mechanics contests held at Manhattan. Marion also placed third in the state parliamentary procedure contest. The team was composed of Don Kraus, Chuck Bredemeier, Ron Kreutziger, Kenny Seifert, and Ladd Siebert.

Last modified April 22, 2021