55 years ago
june 16, 1966
State Highway Department officials were in Marion Monday afternoon to advise officials of the major improvement planned for highway US-56 through Marion County. In general, the improvement is called “adjacent” construction: and will be along the present highway route, without major location change.
Richard Johnson of Holton has been assigned to this territory as the state drivers’ license examiner, and took over his new duties this week. His residence will be in Cottonwood Falls.
After an unusually dry spring and winter, Marion County farmers were finally ready to start harvesting a wheat crop that had been doubtful several times.
Pictured are Bible School students of the EUB Vacation Bible School admiring the new gas lamp their pennies and nickels bought for the church. The students are: Terri Hiebert, Patrice Ewert, Tim Christensen, Randall Conyers, and Ricky Schwendiman.
Douglas Kelsey, son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Kelsey, who will be in the eighth grade this fall, won the state championship in the 75-yard dash at the Junior Olympics held in Lawrence Saturday. He also placed fourth in the high jump.
Abe Mohn of Marion received $50 at this week’s Cash Days drawing. Mrs. Vern Armantrout, Marion, missed $45; Lee Winkley, Marion, received $5; Ellis Craney, Peabody, missed $10; and Mrs. Howard Mollnow, Marion, missed $5.
Members of Holy Redeemer Catholic Church in Tampa gathered at the parish hall Thursday evening for a dinner to welcome their new pastor, Rev. Joseph Donahoe.
ADV—Free vacuum cleaning front and rear when you stop for Phillips 66 at Dave Hanson’s’ S & S Oil Co., Marion. And, there are lots of other extras — like checking your tires and cleaning your windows.
Last modified June 10, 2021