• Last modified 1102 days ago (Sept. 1, 2021)


september 8, 1966

A newspaper in Vinh Thuy, Viet Nam, reports that S/Sgt. Don A. Maltbie, son of the Lawrence Maltbies of Marion, and a gunner on an AC-47 “Dragonship” has been recommended, along with the entire crew of the ship, for the Distinguished Flying Cross for action against Viet Cong forces.

The student body of Marion High School selected cheerleaders this week. “A” team cheerleaders chosen were Susan Yeagley, Roxanne Zerger, Susan Lentz, Shelly Hett, and Kathy Perkins. “B” team cheers will be lead by Kay Applegate, Nancy Olsen, Beverly Elling, and Tammy Case.

The public is invited to the library for this month’s display by young artists. Dennis Navrat has a display of oil and lithograph work, Mrs. Miles Henry has some still life water colors, Tuck Tucker is showing some wood sculpture, ceramics, and a painting, and Dick Morse is showing wood cuts and oil drawings.

Bill Burkholder and Mrs. Wilbert (Dorothy) Rindt are pictured with the Motorola 21” console color television she won last week at the B & L Conoco Service drawing.

Dennis Robertson won the Marion Country Club championship golf tournament over the Labor Day weekend. He shot a 72-65 for a total of 137. Second flight went to Boyce Baumgardner, third to Keith Conyers, and fourth to Al Bernhardt. Best drives were recorded by Art Lewerenz and Rosse Case. The longest putts were by Ray Vinduska and Jack Webb and best tee shots by Dennis Robertson and Ed Good.

Last modified Sept. 1, 2021