• Last modified 1239 days ago (Oct. 21, 2021)


october 27, 1966

A Sunday night break-in and robbery at the modern Goessel Post office netted the thieves money orders, stamps, cash, and machines, the total value of which could be near $20,000. This represents the largest single loss by robbery in the county, at least in many years, reports Sheriff Ezra Bernhardt.

Eight employees of St. Luke Hospital were honored at a buffet dinner in the hospital cafeteria Oct. 20 when four 10-year pins were awarded to Bula Good, Katherin Roberts, Esther Sanders, and Linda Stenzel. Five-year awards went to Jerome Ford, Loretta Knoblock, Billie Jo Wheeler, and Mae White. Sister M. Scholastica has served at St. Luke for 5 years and Sister M. Maurice for 10.

Don Bredemeier, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dick Bredemeier, has been declared a zone winner by Ford Motor Co. in the 11-year-old category of the big “punt, pass, and kick” competition. Don will go to Kansas City this Saturday to compete on the district level against other zone winners.

The new all-channel Citizens Band radio is now in full-time 24-hour operation at the office of Marion County Sheriff. CB operators are cautioned to use channel 18 to call the sheriff’s office and only for genuine emergency traffic.

Mrs. Frank Soukup, Marion, received $200 Wednesday afternoon at the weekly Marion Cash Day drawing. Other winners were Earl Linn, Marion, $15; Olive Hoskins, Marion, $20; and Fred Bredemeier, Marion, $30. Clyde Ledom, Marion, missed $20.

Pictured as they enjoy a chat at Sunday’s political rally in Central Park are Gov. Wm. Avery, Congressman Garner Shriver, and State Senator Wm. H. Ward. Also in attendance were a number of other candidates for election on the state level. More than 250 persons gathered for the annual pre-election barbecue and rally.

Last modified Oct. 21, 2021