55 years Ago
november 17, 1966
County 4-H’ers were recognized for their work in 4-H projects Nov. 10 at the 17th annual 4-H achievement banquet. Irene Jirak and James Spohn, Tampa Triple T’s, and Sherry Henke, Lincolnville Wide Awake, received Key Awards. “I Dare You Awards” went to Donna Unruh, Goessel Goal Getter and Dave Goertz, Happy Hustlers.
LaVonda Hett, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hett, who’s modeling name is “Marni Pearce,” has been kept increasingly on the run with modeling appointments, particularly for television and magazine advertising.
Marion Warriors outclassed Council Grove Friday night on the latter’s home gridiron by a score of 32-6 and captured a solid second spot in the tougher than usual Cottonwood Valley League.
Vernon Lee of Marion received $150 Wednesday at this week’s Cash Day drawing. Vic Winter, Marion, received $5; Howard Ford, Marion, received $10; Richard Powers, Antelope, missed $15; and Clinton Ewert, Marion, missed $15.
Thirty-five boys of the Marion High School industrial arts department enjoyed an interesting and instructive tour of two large Wichita plants Tuesday, accompanied by their instructor, Vernon Moore. They visited the Cessna Aircraft Companyl plant in the morning and the Coleman Company in the afternoon.
Scout leaders, parents, and friends of Scouting attended the Boy Scout Troop 102 Court of Honor Tuesday evening at the Marion Christian Church. The highest rank given at a Court of Honor, the Star Badge, was presented to Scout William Finke II by his father, Scoutmaster William Finke.
Marion stores closed from 1:30 to 2:30 Monday afternoon for the funeral of longtime former barber, W.A. “Al” Beaman.
Last modified Nov. 10, 2021