55 years ago
january 25, 1967
A focal point of countywide interest is being made on all of the phases of the construction work at the Marion Dam and Reservoir being built on the Cottonwood River under the supervision of the U.S. Corps of Engineers. Photos show the present, most dramatic, phase of the work — that of completing the huge spillway works in the center of the dam.
Jan Varenhorst, senior at Marion High School, was crowned Queen of the Court at the Warriors Homecoming Friday evening. Queen Jan also reigned over the homecoming dance in the band room of the high school following the game. Her attendants were Susan Lentz, Karen Siebert, Cindy Ingram, and Roxanna Zerger.
Announcement was made this week by Mr. and Mrs. Walt Oelschlager, owners of Oelschlager Furniture and Appliance store, that they have purchased the building where their store is located and will start a remodeling and expansion program.
Centre High School’s basketball queen candidates are Virginia Ronsick, Mary Schubert, Sherrie Henke, Debbie Steinert, and Kathy Kroupa.
Marion Chamber of Commerce board of directors has started off the New Year with the inauguration of a number of plans of action and a call to all businessmen and women to help in this endeavor.
A surprise party was given Saturday evening, Jan. 21, at the Pilsen Parish Hall honoring the 33rd wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Klenda and the 18th birthdays of Paulette Bezdek, Eugene Shramek, and Gary Steiner.
Rev. Max Stratton of the First Methodist Church in Herington will be the featured speaker Feb. 4 at the annual Marion Youth Banquet. The banquet, sponsored by the Marion Ministerial Alliance, will be held at 6:30 p.m. in the fellowship hall of the Marion E.U.B. Church.
Last modified Jan. 13, 2022