• Last modified 971 days ago (May 18, 2022)


may 21, 1962

The newly formed Marion Mennonite Brethren congregation has purchased a 150-by-125-foot lot on S. Coble St. from Dean Batt and Edward Costello and plans to erect a church building there in the near future.

Irontite of Kansas, a new and promising industry for the state, started operation here last week. The product is foamed asphaltic concrete to be used as a patching compound and crack filler for maintenance of streets, highways, and bridges.

Weather damage that will lead to hundreds of separate insurance claims was suffered over a wide area of Marion County last Thursday afternoon and evening. Hardest hit was a large area across the southern part of the county.

Marion High School’s top scholastic winners in the 1962 class are Dick Morse, valedictorian, and Dennis Pankratz, salutatorian. Steven Krispense received the Balfour Award.

When Greeley Gas employees receive their pay for the last half of May, they’ll have a weighty problem on their hands. They’ll be paid in old-fashioned silver dollars weighing about six pounds per $100.

Ten students from the area were among more that 1,000 to receive degrees from Kansas State Teachers College, Emporia. Included are Diane Evenson, Lost Springs; Ruth Ann Melcher and Paul Schmersey, Marion; Carl Cox, Florence; James E. Dody, Lincolnville; Adolph Holub, Tampa; John Summervill, Marion; and William Oborny, Durham.

Last modified May 18, 2022