60 years ago
june 27, 1963
Officials of Marion National Bank have announced a major business transaction. Two widely known El Dorado businessmen, Gene Payer and Matthew Classen, and John I. Loomis of Jewell have purchased a major interest in the bank, effective July 15.
A change of direction of three one-block streets between Main and Santa Fe St. will become effective July 1. The change will have 2nd and 4th Sts. one-way going north and 3rd St. one-way going south. The main reason for the change is that fire trucks need to proceed south from the City Building to Main St. when going on emergencys.
James S. Kline, former Marion County sheriff and Kansas Bureau of Investigation agent, has been appointed director of a new and expanded peace officers training program at the University of Kansas.
Anita Schlehuber, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Art Schlehuber, has been selected 1963 Marion County dairy princess.
A new drinking fountain, with an electric refrigeration unit built into an old-fashioned stone well, is a fine new addition to the park. It was financed by Coterie Club, with labor donated by several men in town.
Mrs. Harris Seed, Nanette, Marcia, and Harris Jr. and Mrs. Lorenzo Dall’Armi, Jeaneen and Dannielle, all of Santa Barbara, California, are spending two weeks at the Ford Watson cottage at the lake and visiting friends in Marion.
Last modified June 22, 2023