• Last modified 1527 days ago (Jan. 7, 2021)


january 11, 1951

The dangerous water supply problem that has vexed the city commission for many months ceased to be a problem last week upon the successful completion of the new pipeline across “Dogfish” island to the main river channel.

The pipeline is of 18-inch reinforced concrete and extends from the plant across the island approximately 1,000 feet to the river channel

Marion Kiwanis Club ended the year 1950 with the largest roster of members in its nearly 30 years of life. Total membership stood at 92. This is an increase of about 25 during the past year.

Mr. and Mrs. Bob DeCatsye are opening their new eating place, Bob’s Grill, on Monday of next week. All new fixtures have been installed and an attractive job of redecorating done at the location two doors west of the post office.

A polio benefit dance will be held beginning at 9 p.m. Jan. 17 at the Starlite Ballroom in Pilsen. Music will be by The Blue Aces.

Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Powell were in Topeka Monday to attend the inauguration of Governor Edward F. Arn. They returned to Marion the same evening.

The city of Marion has made good strides toward more effective protection and law enforcement by the establishment of 24-hour marshal service and uniforming.

One thing more is needed to make their work really effective. They need a radio for instant communication with the sheriff’s office and surrounding police stations.

The red light used by the telephone operators may or may not be seen in time to make the marshal’s response most effective.

Last modified Jan. 7, 2021