70 years ago
march 8, 1951
Bids for the various phases of the Marion Community Hospital construction were found Friday to be within the financial bounds of the association. The “Go Ahead” green light was given to the project and work will start “very soon.”
A contract has been awarded to the Westinghouse Company of Wichita that calls for a total of 79 of the new improved-type fixtures for Marion’s proposed new Main Street lighting. Total cost including poles and all equipment is to be in the neighborhood of $10,000.
Pictured as they admire the cornerstone of the new American Legion building are officers and members of the local post: Max Jackson, Ed Sandwell, H.W. Sly, Lonnie Tidwell, Bill Ward, Ollie Wight, and Clive Jarvis. The stone with fine engraved craftsmanship was donated by J. L. Scott of Marion Mable and Granite Works.
Of special interest in the upcoming city election will be the question of raising the salary of the mayor to $600 per year and the two other commissioners to $500 per year. The present figures, which have been in effect for many years, are $300 and $250 respectively.
A concrete drain tile and 700 truckloads of dirt, in the new cutoff fill, replace the bridge to Jex Addition built in 1893. This bridge and the old “Rogers” bridge on South First Street are the last reminders of a storied era in the history of Marion near the end of the last century.
Smooth sailing and continued improvement of the Marion city schools is virtually assured for next year with the re-hiring of the administrative staff of all schools. Accepting their respective positions for the 1951-‘52 term are A.J. Shull, superintendent; Erle Volkland, high school principal, Miss Maude Thompson, Bown-Corby principal; and A.W. Haizlip as Hill Grade principal.
Last modified March 4, 2021