70 years ago
august 9, 1966
Nearly 200 Polled Hereford breeders and interested spectators enjoyed a weekend tour that took them to four stops in Marion County. It was the Kansas Pioneer Polled Hereford tour, a two day event, which extended from Abilene to Hutchinson and Winfield.
Stops were made at the Cecil Medley, Omer Shields, Ezra Bernhardt, and Bob Ehrlich cattle operations in Marion County.
Al Holder, 87, who has been barbering in Marion for more than 70 years, died unexpectedly Wednesday afternoon at his home.
M/Sgt. Lester W. Kaiser, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kaiser of Lincolnville, retired July 31 after serving more than 22 years in the Air Force. Sgt. Kaiser, his wife Clara, and son Lester Jr. are presently visiting at the home of his parents.
Lowell Ensey completed his second highly successful year as director of the Summer Youth Program Saturday evening with a thrilling Midget League championship ball game won by Hanson’s 66.
Special awards were presented to the most valuable player and for top batter in each league. Top batting honors for the Midget League went to Steve Behrendt with .800 and to Jerry Conyers of the Pee Wee League with .769. Kim Young was the most valuable player in the Pee Wee League and Billy Newlin was most valuable player in the Midget League.
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Scharenberg of Florence announce the engagement of their daughter, Millcine, to Jerry Lee Siebert, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Siebert of Marion. No wedding date has been set.
Marion High School M-Club will sponsor a swimming party and watermelon feed Friday night for all boys going out for high school football this year. Lynn Applegate of the M-Club invites the boys to swim from 9 to 11 p.m. The watermelon feed will be in the city park following the swim.
Last modified Aug. 5, 2021