75 years ago
APRIL 10, 1947
Bids on construction of a county barn, authorized by the approval of $25,000 in bonds for that purpose in the last spring election, will be opened Monday in the county commissioners’ office. Plans call for a concrete block structure to be built on N. Coble St.
No more registrations, no more classifying. Selective Service is a dead as a dodo when the act authorizing its existence expired March 31. Clerk Ellen Garrison is busy rearranging the records according to instructions, so detailed they describe how wire is to be twisted around each bundle for shipment to a yet-to-be-designated depository.
Marilyn McCoy, 14, Lucky Clover 4-H club of Lost Springs, with a score of 99.2 and Ralph Richmond, 14, Sunshine 4-H, Marion, with a score of 99.5 were out in front Saturday in the Marion County Health Contest.
Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Slusser have bought the C.C. Brooker property at 132 N. Roosevelt St. Mrs. Brooker will join her husband in residence at Wichita, and Mr. and Mrs. Wharton Hoch and Dick plan to move to the cabin they have purchased at the lake from Bill Fey after extensive improvements have been made.
Clara McKay, Dorothy Pollitt, Edna Rupp, Ruth Jo Willming, Mildred Pray and Janice Dummermuth attended a Sigmund Romberg concert at the Forum in Wichita last Thursday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Marion W. Pierce announce the engagement and approaching marriage of their daughter, Corrine Elizabeth, to Sheldon L. Way, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Way of Wichita. The wedding will take place April 20 at the Evangelical United Brethren Church.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wolf and Sarabel, Mr. and Mrs. Roger Hannaford and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Ira Newcomer and John attended the Messiah on Sunday afternoon at College of Emporia.
The Powell Motor Co. reports the following new car and truck deliveries: Kenneth Herpich, Dodge Custom 4-door; Jacob Winter Jr., Plymouth Deluxe 2-door; Albert Williams, Dodge Custom Club coupe; H.H. Johnsmeyer, Dodge Custom 4-door; Bud Pierce, Plymouth Special Deluxe 4-door; Wilbert Kreutziger Dodge 1 ton truck.
Last modified March 31, 2022