• Last modified 1036 days ago (April 7, 2022)


APRIL 17, 1947

The annual Easter breakfast and egg hunt in the lovely garden at the home of Mrs. Bert McCullough is an important spring event. Mrs. McCullough was assisted this year by her daughters, Mrs. Harold Kinkaid, Mrs. Roger Hannaford, Mrs. W.E. Reed, and Mrs. Amos Peterson and by Mrs. C.H. Mullen.

A.J. Shull, superintendent of schools in Marion, has accepted a contract to return again next year as superintendent and, in addition, as principal of the high school. Erle Volkland will serve as vice principal in addition to teaching biology and art, a new addition to the high school.

Installation of a new modern soda fountain, new tables, and chairs of the most modern design, and wall cases of blond oak and glass, installed this past week, have added greatly to the attractiveness of Kirchner Drug Store.

Telephone service during a strike of union members which began at 6 a.m. Monday, has been maintained in Marion by five women and one trainee who have worked long hours overtime to attempt to do the job usually done by 11 women. No lineman remains on duty. The women who remained on the job are Lillie Keazer, Elva Heidel, Mary Ray Longhofer, Fern Ford, and Dorothy Melcher, who has been working for Mrs. John Dixon, who is ill.

Many college students were home for the Easter holiday. Among them were, from Emporia, Jack Beaston, Junior Case, Anna Belle and Mary Alice Rees, and Nancy Colburn; from Kansas University, Albert Grimes, Ralph Dunn, Rosse Case, and Mildred Garrison; from Western Union College, LeMars, Iowa, Leon Hayen and guest Catherine Thomas, Harold Conyers, and Wilford Bowers; from Kansas State, Manhattan, Jacquelin Hawbecker, Ed McGinness, Don Larsen, Harry Chill, Bud Rhodes, Don Kirchner, Walter Weber, and Arlene and Ilene Pierce; from Washburn, Keith Kelsey, Pauline Keazer, and Dorene Stenzel.

Carmen Siebert celebrated her ninth birthday, which occurred April 4, with party Saturday that included a line party to the show, followed by refreshments at her home. Guests were Vicki Black, Billie Herbert, Judy Coons, Jeanette Russell, Kay Navrat, Nancy Keazer, and Connie Sue Long.

Last modified April 7, 2022