• Last modified 668 days ago (Nov. 9, 2022)


NOV. 21, 1947

J.B. Harms, efficient custodian of the courthouse, is transforming its old coal room, which had been used as a catch-all, into a workshop and orderly storage space. With the aid of county prisoners, the wall has been white washed, and Harms has taken boards off the windows, repaired frames, and replaced glass. He is now installing shelving.

A business deal in the making for several weeks was completed this week. Ben Bartel, a farmer near Marion, purchased Leonard Hilsenbeck’s interest in Marion Machinery Co., in which he and Bill Stenzel have been partners for the past two years.

Teachers holding emergency certificates, both elementary and high school, must obtain eight semester hours of additional credit to qualify for a certificate valid in the 1948-’49 school term, according to a warning issued by the State Department of Education.

Art Klein is now owner of Dinette Café on E. Main St., having purchased it Saturday from Archie Marler. The name has been changed back to that of some years back, Cozy Café.

Mr. and Mrs. J.E. Coons are installing a new restaurant in Edward Good’s former Bank of Commerce building on the north side of Main St. The opening date will be the latter part of December.

Peggy Slusser, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Slusser, was honored on her 7th birthday with a party Nov. 12. Attending were Marilyn Dixon, Janice Hayward, Carol Hollar, Joan Johnson, Nancy Keazer, Rita Miser, Darlene Oblander, Rosemary Ollenberger, Patsy Slusser, Susan Thiel, and Helen Louise Weathers of Antelope.

LaVaughn Christensen, bride-elect of Eddie Klose, was complimented with a shower last Thursday evening at Canada Hall. Mrs. Bill Christensen, Mrs. Chris Christensen, Mrs. Louis Christensen, and Mrs. Floyd Siebert were hostesses for the affair.

Eleven Brownies of Troop 3 became Girls Scouts in an impressive investiture ceremony Tuesday afternoon in the basement of the city building. Brownies who took part in the Fly-Up Ceremony were Carol Jean Allen, Joy Burnett, Ann Davies, Patty DeWitt, Janice Hayward, Nila Hoopes, Barbara McDaris, Carol Beth Miser, Carolyn Merrill, Eula Morgan, and Judy Thatch.

Last modified Nov. 9, 2022