• Last modified 627 days ago (May 24, 2023)


may 27, 1948

National Baseball Congress this week announced that Marion and 17 other cities over the state had been chosen as sites for sanctioned district tournaments in July. Wilbur Melcher was named district commissioner to supervise the tournament in Marion.

The high school band will play for Decoration Day services May 31. All members are asked to meet at the Courthouse at 9:30 a.m. before marching to the bridge for decoration of the waters.

Elmer Pritz, August Helmer, Jake Oblander, and Joe Hein are building new residences in Marion.

James Blackim, superintendent of the Marion light plant, is leaving Sunday for an extended visit to Ireland and Scotland — his first visit since coming to this country in 1911.

The annual award assembly of Marion High School was Thursday morning. Betty Williams, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Williams, received the valedictorian award. The Balfour award went to Virginia Geis, and the Danforth Foundation award to William Zeller and Cherridah Mullikin.

Mrs. Edwin Burkholder was hostess at a formal dinner Wednesday evening to compliment her daughter, Anne, who was among the graduates from high school. Guests were Kerns Allen, Tim Burkholder, Donna Christensen, Georgia Christensen, Virginia Geis, Joe Bill Gound, Patricia Harris, Warren Hayen, Bill Higgins, Loyette Hollar, Max Merrill, Cherridah Mullikin, Ted Werts, Betty Williams, and J.D. Wright,

Last modified May 24, 2023