• Last modified 293 days ago (Jan. 25, 2024)


jan. 27, 1949

Featured speaker at Kiwanis Club’s ladies night Feb. 15 will be Mrs. Willard Greene, columnist for the Topeka Capital and other papers. She is widely known as “Peggy of the Flint Hills.”

Abe Reh, popular Marion trucking operator, has accepted appointment as undersheriff, according to Sheriff James Kline. Reh will assume his duties March 1.

Mrs. Alex Socolofsky announces the engagement of her youngest daughter, Janice, to Rosse Braddock Case, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Case. The wedding will be in June.

A snooker tournament at Marion Recreation last week ended with Tip McFadden in the lead. Dale Anderson was second; Kenneth Bibler, third; and W.L. “Dutch” Steuben, fourth.

Mrs. Leo Brose entertained at dinner Saturday evening to compliment her daughter, Pat, who was celebrating her birthday. Places were marked for Donna Jean Christensen, Georgia Christensen, Mary Heath, Donna Hobein, Loyette Hollar, Cherridah Mullikin, Jean Muse, and the honoree.

This week’s Kroger ad features smoked picnics at 39 cents a pound; sliced bacon, 49 cents a pound; sirloin steak, 69 cents a pound; dressed whole or cut up fryers, 69 cents a pound; 50-pound mesh bag of McClure potatoes, $1.59; and a carton of Chesterfields, $1.73.

Last modified Jan. 25, 2024