• Last modified 681 days ago (Sept. 14, 2022)


SEPTEMBER 24, 1942

Despite car and tire rationing, many out-of-town people attended the annual Old Settlers picnic here Thursday.

The meeting was presided over by Judge Jay Hargett. The Janzen sisters sang several numbers, and Jim Larkin played on his combination mouth organ and megaphone.

The following “old settlers” made brief talks: Joe Shields, Lost Springs; Mr. Sondergard, Ramona; Mr. Applegate, Ramona; R.B. Wiebe, Lehigh; and Jas. Jones, D.W. Wheeler, Mart Wheeler, and W.R. Stotts, Marion.

The Rationing Board releases the following list of new cars it has allowed to Marion County purchasers during August: Charles B. Kieferle, Ramona; Joe Orr Moffett, Peabody; D.F. Pierce, Peabody; Lloyd Morrison, Tampa; C.M. Clark, Peabody.

Five of the nine sons of Mr. and Mrs. Gerhardt Meyer of Tampa are now serving with the U.S. armed forces. They are Staff Sergeant George Meyer, Private Martin Meyer, Ensign Anton A. “Tony” Meyer, Private John G. Meyer, and Ernest Meyer, who left two weeks ago for Fort Leavenworth.

The seventh grade Willing Workers Sunday school class of the Methodist church enjoyed a hamburger fry Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs. Howard Ford followed by a line party to the show.

Those present were Mary Burnett, Naomi McIntosh, Nancy Myer, Peggy McCarty, Loyette Hollar, Juanita Jo Ford, and Mrs. Ford.

Lawrence Gilbert, who has been on inactive duty since enlisting in the Navy some time ago, received his call Saturday to report for duty Oct. 7. He will be stationed in Norfolk, Virginia.

Hilda Hett, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hett, became the bride of Frank Bestvater of Canton in a pretty ceremony Sunday afternoon in the Evangelical church.

Last modified Sept. 14, 2022