• Last modified 1958 days ago (Oct. 3, 2019)


court CASES

These dispositions of municipal court cases were released this week. Amounts include court costs.


Ricky R. Battles, driving while license suspended and failure to yield at a stop or yield sign March 19, $542.

Eveleo Tomas Newton, disobey stop sign July 12, $170.

Juan Paulo Zaragoza-Jasso, dog at large Aug. 26, $140.

Lorenzo Isaiah Galicia, disobey stop sign Sept. 5, $170.


Justice Hile, Rogers, Arkansas, speeding 33 miles over the limit Dec. 15, $261.

William T. Ledford, Marion, illegal tag May 15, failure to stop at a stop sign and illegal tag May 26, and improper parking July 13, $329.

Matthew R. Stuchlik, Girardeau, Missouri, July 10, $179.

Matthew L. Bice, Marion, driving with a suspended license July 11, $199.

Eric J. Williams, Marion, driving with a suspended license July 29, $199.

Dawson Lukus Winter, Cheney, speeding 14 mph over limit Aug. 9, $189.

Bryan T. Grosse, Marion, disabled vehicle Aug. 17, $50.

Juvenile, Marion, speeding 13 mph over limit Aug. 16, $179.

Rodney E. Franzen, Lehigh, two counts of failure to wear seatbelt Sept. 1, $50.

Jordan M. Miller, Lost Springs, speeding 14 mph over limit Aug. 31, $189.

Eduardo Torres Bonilla, Bryan, Ohio, speeding 16 mph over limit Sept. 3, $219.

Mitchell Burns, Marion, possession of drug paraphernalia Sept. 16, $0.

Last modified Oct. 3, 2019