• Last modified 1370 days ago (May 19, 2021)


Neglecting lawn can cost more than a bit of green

Staff writer

Not mowing the grass can get expensive in a hurry.

If the city of Hillsboro has to mow someone’s property, the city charges $200 for the job.

Marion charges $60.

Both cities have ordinances that property owners get a letter warning them they have 10 days to mow grass that has grown more than 12 inches tall.

Hillsboro city administrator Matt Stiles said four notices were sent out in 2020, and two of the lawns had to be mowed by the city.

In 2019, 24 notices were sent out and the city had to mow six times, all six times on two properties.

In Marion, eight notices have been issued so far this year.

Five notices were sent in 2020 and the city didn’t have to mow the yards.

In 2019, the city sent 38 notices. Three properties had to be mowed and a tax lien was filed on the owner of one property where the owner did not pay the $60 fee.

“We issue a mowing letter and they have 10 days from the date of the letter to comply,” city clerk Tiffany Jeffrey said. “After the 10 days are up, we go up and check again. If they’ve taken care of it, that’s great, and if not we will go mow it and send them an invoice for that fee.”

Property owners have the opportunity to request a public hearing, and the city won’t go ahead and mow until after that hearing.

For a year, the city will not send further letters, but will mow again any time the grass exceeds 12 inches, Jeffrey said.

Last modified May 19, 2021