• Last modified 2405 days ago (July 12, 2018)


New trash truck to reduce manpower needs

Staff writer

Hillsboro residents will soon see a more efficient trash and recycling service offered by the city’s sanitation department.

The city council voted July 3 to approve specifications for a new side-load trash truck.

The vehicle, already in the 2018 budget, will have a side-arm pick up, which will eliminate the need for two employees — one to drive and one to load, dump, and return carts.

“We know we will be having a staff reduction in the sanitation department with an upcoming retirement,” city administrator Larry Paine said, “so this type of truck will work well for our needs.”

The truck has a mechanical arm that drops from the top right, grabs the receptacle, lifts it to the top-load bin, unloads it, and sets it back on the ground.

Along with the new truck, residents will receive new trash and recycling carts and containers that fit the machine.

The truck also will be equipped with cameras to help the driver safely operate the vehicle and arm.

“The city of Newton uses these trucks and are able to collect 900 receptacles each day, Paine said. “Our total collection for the week is right around 900, so it will be able to handle our capacity.”

In other business July 3, a public hearing was scheduled for July 17 to present information on Groves Addition assessment district.

Residents should receive mailed notices with more information.

Pearson Construction of Wichita was winning bidder on mill and overlay work to be done on D St., work will be paid for with a $455,670 20-year general obligation bond.

Concrete work to ensure gutters on D St. flow efficiently will go to Hett Construction of Marion for $53,450 and will be completed before the overlay.

Hillsboro resident Bob Dalke was re-appointed to a three-year term on the Hillsboro Housing Authority.

Last modified July 12, 2018