• Last modified 1341 days ago (June 10, 2021)


No takers
for broadband

Staff writer

Despite Marion and three banks securing $35,000 to match a $160,000 grant to provide broadband internet to Marion’s industrial park, no business has signed up for it so far.

When the city obtained the grant, council members thought businesses in the industrial park would sign on.

Vyve broadband Internet installed service was installed throughout the industrial park, which includes six operations: Prairieland, Marion public utilities solar field, Air Stream Guy, Highway 56 Auto Service, Spur Ridge Animal Health, and Dollar General.

Work had to be completed by Dec. 30. When the project ran $3,000 over budget, local banks pitched in the difference.

Expedition Wind, which recently moved out of its office, has a sales agreement to buy a city building in the industrial park at 828 N. Roosevelt St. The sale has not been finalized, and Expedition’s offer will expire at the end of this month.

The city’s $16,000 share of the project was paid by Expedition. The rest was provided as in-kind services.

According to economic development director Randy Collett, the city still expects the wind farm company to sign up for Vyve broadband.

“I know they also visited with Vyve about the necessary communications links needed out in the field,” Collett said Monday.

Last modified June 10, 2021