According to law enforcement reports released this week:
Disorderly conduct, battery, driving while suspended
Tammy Britton, no age specified, Peabody, was arrested Sunday on suspicion of driving while suspended, battery, and disorderly conduct. Peabody Chief Bruce Burke is did not provide further information.
Five gallons of gasoline was stolen from a vehicle at the Edward Black residence in the 800 block of Main St., Florence, between April 7 and 9.
Lukas Woods, 20, Marion, reported theft of three pairs of Army combat uniforms with nameplates from a vehicle on Rock Rd. at Marion County Park and Lake between 11 p.m. April 9 and 6 a.m. April 10. The ACUs were valued at $300.
Twelve drapes and seven curtains were stolen April 5 from a house in the 2700 block of Remington Rd. in Pilsen owned by Steven Augustine, 66, Hesston. The window dressings were valued at $250.