These offenses were released this past week by law enforcement agencies:
A soda cooler, wire, radiators, batteries, and cable worth $1,850 were reported stolen at 9:30 a.m. April 26, at 2060 US-77.
Theft and possession of stolen property
A 2016 Dodge worth $70,000 and a 2003 Ford worth $5,000 were reported stolen at 3 p.m. May 2 from the 400 block of Elm St. in Burns. The Dodge was recovered.
Violation of protection order
Joey A. Brunner, 38, Ramona, was arrested on suspicion of violating a protection order in the 600 block of N. D St., Ramona, at 6:19 p.m. May 1. The victim reported the incident May 1 in Hillsboro, saying Brunner had been sending text messages since April 28, in violation of the protection order.
Last modified May 9, 2019