• Last modified 2141 days ago (March 28, 2019)


P.E.O. learns about emeralds

The program for the March 18 P.E.O. Chapter DB meeting was “The Magic of Emeralds,” presented by Cindy Wyatt. Each member brought pieces of jewelry and explained their personal significance.

Hostesses for the meeting were Lenore Dieter and Judy Mills.

President Diane Richmond announced that all chapter officers are now installed for the coming year.

The Chapter discussed their responsibilities for the Kansas State Chapter Convention to be held in June 2020. A planning meeting will occur at this year’s convention in Wichita.

P.E.O. offers scholar awards to qualified applicants seeking higher education. Chapter DB offers a local scholarship to a Marion High School senior girl entering college after graduation.

A social meeting is planned for 6:30 p.m. April 1 at Eastmoor UMC. Members will play Bunko.

The next regular meeting will be 7 p.m. April 15 at the Presbyterian Church, hosted by Margaret Pickering and Dorothy Youk. The program will be “The Magic of Talents” by the Marion High School fine arts students. Diane Same will provide information about P.E.O. Sunflower Grants.

Submitted by Eileen Sieger, Recording Secretary

Last modified March 28, 2019