• Last modified 914 days ago (Aug. 10, 2022)


Pancakes to flip Saturday at Peabody

A pancake and sausage breakfast, a pancake race, and awards to local charities will be part of Peabody’s annual pancake day Saturday.

A breakfast of pancakes and sausage from Peabody Sausage House will be served from 7 to 11 a.m. at Peabody Senior Center. Cost is by donation to Peabody Community Foundation.

Kids 3 to 14 can compete in a 10 a.m. pancake race. Participants are being asked to bring their own skillet for the race. There will no charge to race. Back-to-school prizes will be awarded. A release of liability form will need to be signed by a parent or guardian. Forms will be available at 9:45 a.m.

After the race, the community foundation will announce 2022 grants to community charities.

In February, the foundation awarded $11,800 to 12 organizations, with the largest award going to Peabody Food Bank, a program of Peabody Association of Churches. The grant covered two full months of food vouchers for clients at the food bank

“It’s a huge assistance to our program,” said Nathan Gift, local pastor and chairman of the Association of Churches.

Other grant awards supported city pool maintenance, swimming lessons for children, improvements for Peabody Township Library, emergency financial assistance, the Peabody Historical Society, the Peabody American Legion, and The Hub.

In late November, the foundation expects to give grants to Peabody-Burns teachers.

More information is available from foundation director Becky Nickel at (620) 951-4022.

Last modified Aug. 10, 2022