• Last modified 2390 days ago (Aug. 2, 2018)


PEABODY ACHIEVERS: Peabody Achievers

Peabody Achievers

Tayle Black, grade 3 — grand champion breeding gilt, champion berkshire gilt, and 1st blue; grand champion swine showman, champion junior swine showman, and 1st blue; reserve grand champion breeding gilt, champion duroc breeding gilt, and 1st blue; champion berkshire market hog and 1st blue; champion prospect market hog and 1st blue.

Leyton Coover, grade 5 — 5th blues, breeding hampshire ewe lamb and intermediate sheep showmanship; 6th blue, market hampshire lamb.

Sophie Coover, grade 7 — 1st blue, breeding natural ewe; 2nd blue, market hampshire lamb; 4th blue, intermediate sheep showmanship.

Devon Gaines, grade 12 — reserve grand champion market beef, champion crossbred steer, and 1st blue; reserve grand champion beef showman, reserve champion senior beef showman, and 2nd blue; champion chianina steer and 1st blue.

Morgan Gaines, grade 10 — grand champion dog, champion senior dog showman, and purple; grand champion goat showman, champion senior goat showman, and 1st blue; champion agility and purple, beginning pre-agility dog on lead; champion dog obedience and purple; champion charolais steer and 1st blue; champion hereford heifer and 1st blue, senior breeding yearling heifer; 1st blue, market meat wether or doe goat; 2nd blue, commercial breeding meat goat doe kid; 3rd blue, market meat wether or doe goat; 4th blue, senior beef showmanship.

Weston Gaines, grade 7 — reserve champion angus heifer and 2nd blue, summer breeding yearling heifer; reserve champion intermediate beef showman and 2nd blue; 4th blue, market meat wether or doe.

Ellie Good, grade 5 — reserve champion intermediate goat showman and 2nd blue; purple, non-perishable food; 5th blue, market meat wether or doe goat.

Esther Good, grade 2 — purple, non-perishable food.

Cade Gossen, grade 5 — reserve champion intermediate rocket from kit and purple; reserve champion junior Legos and purple; purple, non-perishable food; blue, non-perishable food.

Cale Gossen, grade 2 — purples, beginner Legos and exploring 4-H exhibit; blue, exploring 4-H exhibit.

Colton Gossen, grade 7 — blue, rocket from kit.

Jacelyn Johnson, grade 1 — green, Cloverbuds exhibit.

Elias Winter, grade 2 — champion pre-novice dog obedience and red; reserve champion beginner Legos and purple; reserve champion novice dog showman and blue; purples, medium vegetable plate and large vegetable plate; blues, beginner dog pre-agility on lead, beginning forestry, and rocket from kit.

Alex Young, grade 7 — champion dairy wether and 1st blue; champion recorded grades and 1st blue, dry yearling junior dairy goat doe; reserve champion recorded grades and 1st blue, senior dairy goat doe; purples, non-perishable food and medium vegetable plate; 1st blue, junior dairy goat doe; 3rd blue, intermediate dairy goat showmanship; blue, medium vegetable plate; red, production pullets.

Philip Young, grade 8 — reserve champion garden exhibit and purple; purple, non-perishable food; blue, medium vegetable plate

Last modified Aug. 2, 2018