• Last modified 662 days ago (April 20, 2023)


Peabody cruise season to rev up Sunday

Peabody’s Sunday cruise season, featuring classic cars as well as motorcycles, will kick off Sunday.

Registration is not required for the come-and-go event from 8 a.m. to noon. Cruises are planned for the fourth Sunday of each month from April through October.

U Knead It Bakery will serve sweets, and Bill and Essie’s Barbecue will serve food from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Porcupine Tea Company, 215 N. Walnut St. Pulled pork, briskets, and a variety of sides will be on the menu.

Also Saturday will be a fundraiser at noon at the United Methodist Church to raise money for the Hub. Pork burritos, rice, chips and salsa, and dessert will be available.

Last modified April 20, 2023