• Last modified 1322 days ago (July 1, 2021)



Law enforcement agencies provided these reports of their activities this past week. Routine activities such as patrols, inspections, training, report-writing, and assistance to other agencies are excluded.


June 22 — Officers investigated a report of a suspicious vehicle in the 100 block of W. F. St.

June 23 — Police cited a driver in the 400 block of W. D. St. for no proof of insurance or registration. Officers cited a driver in the 600 block of N. Ash St. for speeding in a construction zone.

June 24 — Police arrested Darrel T. Artka, 46, in the 100 block of S. Main St. for not having a valid driver’s license, driving while his license was suspended or revoked, and having no proof of insurance or valid registration. Officers returned stolen property.

Police advised a homeowner in the 300 block of N. Birch St. to leave their garage door open for three skunk kits that wandered in and made themselves at home.

“They wanted advice on getting them removed,” officer John T. Heubert said. “Our recommendation was to leave the door open and monitor the situation until they were gone. There were multiple kits, so there was no guarantee they would all be snagged in a trap at the same time.”

Friday — Police issued a warning for speeding to a driver in the 700 block of E. D. St. Officers checked on a vehicle left in the Casey’s parking lot. The vehicle had mechanical problems.

Saturday — Officers cited a driver for speeding on US-56. Police arrested Raymond J. Johnson, 19, of Hillsboro for domestic battery and aggravated child endangerment after investigating a domestic disturbance.

Johnston left a residence in the 300 block of N. Lincoln St. before an officer arrived, but police observed him returning to the house. He was arrested Nov. 22 for possession of marijurana and drug paraphernalia and conspiracy to contribute to child’s misconduct.

Sunday — Police picked up a dog in the 100 block of Floral St. and took it to a vet. Officers cited a driver in the 200 block of S. Lincoln St. for equipment violations. Police cited a driver in the 400 block of W. D. St. for not having a driver’s license, allowing an unauthorized driver and not wearing a seat belt.


June 22 — Police cited a driver near Batt and Industrial Rds. for speeding. Police checked on the welfare of a resident in the 300 block of N. Lincoln St.

June 23 – Officers investigated reported property damage in the 500 block of S. Cedar St. Police were told of suspicious activity by individuals in the 100 block of S. Cedar St. Officers warned a driver in the 900 block of N. Cedar for having a white light to the rear.

June 24 – Police cited a driver in 300 block of W. Main St. for speeding. Officers cited a driver for speed of 112 mph in a 65 mph zone on US-56 near Timber Rd.

Friday – Two dogs were reported at large in the 100 block of S. Roosevelt St. but none were found. A dog reported at large in the 1200 block of E. Main was taken to Animal Health Center.

Saturday — Police left a warning notice on a car parked on the wrong side of the roadway in the 300 block of N. Cedar St. Police cited two drivers on US-56 for speeds of more than 80 mph in a 65 mph zone.

Sunday — Police investigated a dog bite. Officers cited a driver for parking on the wrong side of the street in the 300 block of N. Cedar St. Officers checked on the welfare of a resident the 100 block of N. Freeborn St. Officers investigated a report of a drone flying in the 600 block of N. Cedar St., but took no action.

A window was broken at the concession stand at the baseball complex sometime between 9 p.m. Friday and 1 p.m. Saturday by a suspect who took candy. Other items were taken but were left in a bucket outside the building.

Police chief Clinton Jeffrey said that the incident was strange and police are continuing to investigate.

Last modified July 1, 2021