• Last modified 939 days ago (Aug. 18, 2022)



Law enforcement agencies provided these reports of their activities this past week. Routine activities such as patrols, inspections, training, report-writing, and assistance to other agencies are excluded. Dates may reflect starting or ending dates of officers’ shifts rather than actual dates of occurrence.


Aug. 8 — A driver was cited for speeding in the 200 block of S. Main St. Other drivers were warned about speeding in to 900 block of E. D St. and about an equipment violation in the 300 block of W. Grand Ave. Police stood by during a civil matter in 400 block of W. Grand Ave. No problem was found after a 911 call from the 300 block of S. Washington St. was disconnected.

Aug. 9 — Police talked to a juvenile about a mower damaging a vehicle. A motorist received directions. Police checked on the welfare of a resident in the 200 block of S. Washington St.

Aug. 10 — A suspicious vehicle whose driver asked for money at Sonic Drive-In was not located. A juvenile with mental health issues was taken to a hospital. A dog reported to be running free in the 100 block of S. Ash Street returned to its residence. Police assisted a resident with child custody issues in the 400 block of S. Birch St.

Thursday — A disconnected 911 call from the 300 block of N. Lincoln St. resulted in an investigation that led to an arrest on suspicion of domestic battery. Possible charges are pending in a second, delayed report of a domestic disturbance in which a wife grabbed her husband by his shirt in the 300 block of N. Adams St. Another driver in the 200 block of S. Jefferson St. was warned about rules for using of a motorized scooter on city streets. A driver was warned about illegal passing at US-56 and Kanza Rd. The welfare of a resident of the 300 block of N. Ash St. was checked by telephone.

Friday — A 19-year-old stopped for allegedly speeding and failing to stop at a sign at D and Ash Sts. was arrested on suspicion of additional charges of driving under the influence and consumption of alcohol by a minor. In two separate incidents, a 40-year-old man and a 27-year-old woman were arrested on suspicion of driving charges related to drinking. A non-injury accident in the 200 block of S. Main St. was investigated. A fire in a yard in 400 block of W. B St. was determined to be contained and legal. Parking regulations were enforced in the 500 block of E. C St. Police helped a motorist adjust a vehicle’s headlights.

Sunday — A non-injury accident in the 100 block of E. A St. was investigated. Drivers were warned for speeding in the 400 block of D. St., for equipment violations in the 300 block of S. Lincoln St. and 200 block of E. D St., and for not using a turn signal in the 200 block of S. Main St. Parking regulations were enforced in the 400 block of S. Lincoln St. and again in the 500 block of E. C St. Welfare of a resident of the 300 block of N. Lincoln St. was checked.


Aug. 8 — A driver was cited for going 82 mph in a 65-mph zone. A dog running free in the 900 block of E. Main St. was taken to Animal Health Center.

Aug. 9 — A dog running free in the 300 block of Grant St. was taken to Animal HC.

Aug. 10 — A suicidal person in the 1500 block of E. Main St, was taken to St. Luke Hospital by a relative. A resident of the 600 block of Hudson St. was warned that it was illegal to keep a rooster in the city.

Aug. 11 — Police helped load items into a person’s vehicle.

Aug. 12 — Routine activities.

Aug. 13 — A gold vehicle that reportedly made a loud crash before driving away from 3rd and Main Sts. was not found, and no damage was noticed. Welfare of a resident of the 100 block of Forest St. was checked.

Aug. 14 — A driver was cited for running a stop sign near Kellison and Cedar Sts.


Aug. 8 — A girl who was being assaulted was taken to an emergency room.

Aug. 9 — Routine activities.

Aug. 10 — No problems were found after checking a report of a domestic disturbance in the 600 block of N. Walnut St. A driver was cited for speeding.

Thursday — A citation for a health and safety violation was issued.

Friday — Routine activities.

Saturday — A reported auto theft later was determined to be a breach of trust.

Sunday — A driver was warned for having no taillights on a golf cart. Police performed surveillance of an undisclosed nature.

Last modified Aug. 18, 2022