• Last modified 595 days ago (June 22, 2023)



Law enforcement agencies provided these reports of their activities this past week. Routine activities such as patrols, inspections, training, report-writing, and assistance to other agencies are excluded. Dates may reflect starting or ending dates of officers’ shifts rather than actual dates of occurrence.


June 12 — A driver in the 800 block of E. D St. was warned for speeding.

June 13 — Police helped a parent get a child back home. A resident reported receiving unwanted text messages. Drivers in the 200 block of S. Ash St. and the 800 block of E. D St. were warned for speeding. A driver in the 200 block of N. Ash St. was warned about an equipment violation.

June 14 — Police stood by during property transfer at Hillsboro Self Storage. A rural resident was told not to dump trash in a city business’s trash container.

Thursday — An injured skunk found at Ash and D Sts. was removed from the city. A driver of an all-terrain vehicle was warned about not having a city permit. A driver in the 900 block of E. D St. was warned about speeding and one at Ash and B Sts. was warned about an equipment violation. A vehicle improperly parked at Adams and B Sts. had been moved before police arrived. No problems were found in checking on a resident of the 400 block of N. Ash St.

Friday — Police attempted to help customers trying to locate motel staff so they could check in. A malfunction at a power substation was blamed for a disconnected 911 call from the 200 block of N. Adams St. Police checked on a vehicle parked at Ash St. and US-56 and on people fishing at a city pond off US-56.

Saturday — Police helped a driver locked out of a vehicle. A suspicious vehicle parked at Great Plains Federal Credit Union had moved before police arrived. Another disconnected 911 call was blamed on a substation malfunction. Police met with a resident of the 300 block of N. Birch St. about using fireworks.

Sunday — A resident received a ride to Hillsboro Community Hospital.

Last modified June 22, 2023