• Last modified 2531 days ago (March 8, 2018)


Principal is no chicken — or is he?

Hillsboro Elementary principal Evan Yoder is promising to dress up as a chicken and do the chicken dance as an incentive in one of several fundraisers the school’s library is conducting this month.

In addition to selling books at the school and online and participating in other commercial ventures, the library is urging students to bring in loose change and dollar bills.

If the library collects at least $200 to help purchase books from a commercial publisher for another school that needs them, Yoder is promising to dance in costume.

Other commercial events include a promise by Wendy’s to donate 20 percent of Hillsboro sales from 4 to 7 p.m. Tuesday in conjunction with the library’s annual family reading night.

Last modified March 8, 2018