• Last modified 683 days ago (March 30, 2023)


Prof to talk about research with undergrads

A Tabor College chemist will talk Tuesday about his medical research involving undergraduates.

James Titah, an assistant professor in his third year at Tabor, will present the college’s 26th annual Dr. Richard G. Kyle Faculty Lecture at 7 p.m. in the Franz Family Heritage Lobby of the Shari Flaming Center for the Arts.

“I have been doing amazing research with undergraduate students, and it’s my pleasure to showcase the research, how the students get involved and motivated, and some of our accomplishments,” a Tabor release quoted Titah as saying.

His free, public presentation will be titled “Routes Toward the Development of New Chemotherapeutic Compounds for Potential and Effective Drug Delivery from Amino Acids.”

Last modified March 30, 2023