• Last modified 1818 days ago (Feb. 19, 2020)


Recycling woes spur promotion

Josh Housman named transfer station director after working to restore service in county

Staff writer

Transfer station employee Josh Housman was promoted Monday to director of household hazardous waste, noxious weed, and the transfer station.

Housman has been working closely in recent weeks with the county’s recycling program to resolve the issue of where to take recyclable items after Fort Riley’s recycling center declined to accept the materials because it was short-staffed.

The other option was to drive the materials to South Hutchinson and pay a $98 per ton tipping fee.

Fort Riley’s suspension was expected to be temporary. Fort Riley agreed this past week to accept items again, Housman said.

If needed, the county will take recyclable items to the South Hutchinson facility as a backup.

Starting Feb. 28, the transfer station will accept recyclables brought to them between 8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Fridays. No trash will be accepted during those hours.

During any periods when Fort Riley won’t accept recycling, the material will be taken to South Hutchinson.

Officials at the Fort Riley recycling station have complained that Marion County’s materials are so dusty the center has to open the windows when the load is dumped.

Last modified Feb. 19, 2020