• Last modified 856 days ago (March 24, 2022)


Residents forbidden to work on roads

Staff writer

County commissioners drew a hard line Monday on an issue that has been discussed on again and off again for years: county residents working on roads adjoining their property.

In recent weeks, commissioners talked about roads near Lincolnville having newly laid rocks bladed off.

Rural Lincolnville resident Mike Beneke, who graded the pointy rocks into a wind row after they caused flat tires on a truck and a trailer, was warned that the county could take action against him.

Commission members unanimously passed a resolution Monday that prohibits residents from working on roads or easements without express authorization from the county.

Not only are residents required to get permission before working on roadways; the county also will assume no responsibility for repair of damage done by the citizen.

If approval to work on a road is denied, any work done will be considered trespassing and the county could “pursue any and all civil or criminal remedies,” according to the text of the commissioners’ resolution.

Last modified March 24, 2022