• Last modified 1227 days ago (March 17, 2021)


Resolutions honor Kapaun

After news broke last week about the identification of Father Emil Kapaun’s body, national and state representatives introduced resolutions that would honor the life of the Pilsen native.

The resolutions highlight Kapaun’s background and extraordinary life as a chaplain in the Army.

Senator Roger Marshall introduced a resolution in the U.S. Capitol and put out this statement:

“As a Kansan and fellow veteran, I know well the honorable work Father Kapaun did for our troops and our great nation. Father Kapaun truly is a national hero, and I am relieved to hear that his remains are finally returning home.”

Representatives Tracey Mann, Ron Estes, and Jake LaTurner introduced a resolution in the state legislature.

“Fr. Kapaun is an example of service before self,” Mann said. “He embodied the spirit of Philippians 2:3-4: ‘Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.’ This resolution is a fitting tribute for his service.”

Sign-up has begun for the annual 60-mile pilgrimage from Wichita to Pilsen on June 4-6.

These events are hoped to contribute to Kapaun’s canonization as a saint.

Last modified March 17, 2021