• Last modified 728 days ago (March 16, 2023)



Menus subject to change. Milk available with all meals.


Reservations accepted at (620) 947-2304.

Thursday — Sweet and sour chicken with rice and oriental vegetables, tossed salad, mandarin oranges, wheat bread.

Friday — Corned beef or fish, cabbage, glazed baby carrots, green applesauce, lime poke cake, bread.

Monday — Swiss steak, baked potato with sour cream, green bean casserole, fresh fruit, wheat roll.

Tuesday — Taco salad, tortilla chips, fiesta corn, hot cinnamon apples, frosted spice cake.

March 22 — Chicken pot pie, stewed tomatoes, mixed fruit, oatmeal cookie.

March 23 — Oven-fried chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy, green beans, strawberry cake, hot roll.


Reservations accepted at (620) 382-2942.

Thursday — Sweet and sour chicken with rice and oriental vegetables, tossed salad, mandarin oranges, whole-wheat bread.

Friday — Fish or ham and scalloped potatoes, glazed baby carrots, green applesauce, lime poke cake, whole-wheat bread.

Monday — Chicken pot pie, stewed tomatoes, mixed fruit, oatmeal cookie.

Tuesday — Taco salad, tortilla chips, fiesta corn, hot cinnamon apples, frosted spice cake.

March 22 — Swiss steak, baked potato, green bean casserole, fresh fruit, whole-wheat roll.

March 23 — Oven-fried chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy, green beans, strawberry shortcake, whole-wheat roll.


Reservations accepted at (620) 983-2226.

Thursday — Sweet and sour chicken with rice and oriental vegetables, tossed salad, mandarin oranges, wheat bread.

Friday — Corned beef or fish, cabbage, glazed baby carrots, green applesauce, lime poke cake, wheat bread.

Monday — Chicken pot pie, stewed tomatoes, mixed fruit, oatmeal cookie.

Tuesday — Taco salad, tortilla chips, fiesta corn, hot cinnamon applesauce, frosted spice cake.

March 22 — Swiss steak, baked potato, green bean casserole, fresh fruit, wheat roll.

March 23 — Chicken enchilada casserole, refried beans, Mexican corn, mandarin oranges, cookie.

Last modified March 16, 2023