Menus subject to change. Milk available with all meals.
Reservations accepted at (620) 947-2304.
Thursday — Pizza, green beans, fruit.
Friday — Chef salad, pea salad, melon, whole-wheat crackers, fruit muffin.
Monday — Fish or chicken nuggets, potato tots, corn fiesta, fresh fruit, bread.
Tuesday — Fiesta steak, potato wedges, peas, mandarin oranges, cookie, wheat roll.
May 24 — Baked chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy, green beans with onions, strawberries and bananas, frosted cake, wheat bread.
May 25 — Pork cutlet, hashbrowns and gravy, steamed cabbage, peaches, wheat bread.
Reservations accepted at (620) 382-2942.
Thursday — Meatballs, baked potato, broccoli and cheese, mandarin oranges, whole-wheat roll.
Friday — Chef’s choice.
Monday — Fish or chicken nuggets, potato tots, corn fiesta, fresh fruit, whole-wheat bread.
Tuesday — Chef’s choice.
May 24 — Baked chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy, green beans with onions, strawberries and bananas, frosted cake, whole-wheat roll.
May 25 — Pork chop, sweet potatoes, steamed cabbage, peaches, whole-wheat bread.
Reservations accepted at (620) 983-2226.
Thursday — Chef salad, pea salad, fresh melon, whole-wheat crackers, fruit muffin.
Friday — Baked chicken or fish, hashbrowns and gravy, glazed carrots, apple crisp, wheat bread.
Monday — Fiesta steak, potato wedges, peas, mandarin oranges, cookie, wheat bread.
Tuesday — Pork cutlet, hashbrowns and gravy, steamed cabbage, peaches, wheat bread.
May 24 — Roast turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy, green beans, seasonal fresh fruit, wheat roll.
May 25 — Fish or chicken nuggets, potato tots, corn fiesta, fresh fruit, wheat bread.